• September 29, 2024 03:44

Good News Pakistan

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Pakistan and Kazakhstan to Start Direct Flights in May

Pakistan and Kazakhstan to Start Direct Flights in May

Pakistan to Kazakhstan Flights: Kazakhstan is launching direct flights between Almaty and Lahore in April, and Almaty and Karachi in May to promote business-to-business and people-to-people relations between Pakistan and Kazakhstan. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the president of Kazakhstan, will visit Pakistan later this year to start a new chapter in their commercial and economic relations, according to Kazakh Ambassador Yerzhan Kistafin. During his visit, 20 MoUs will be signed to further strengthen cooperation in multiple fields. In order to participate in the debut of direct flights and explore business collaboration with Kazakh counterparts, Kistafin invited businesses from Pakistan to visit Kazakhstan.

According to Kistafin, Kazakhstan plans to establish a transit trade agreement and an agreement between the financial sectors of the two nations, which will give their respective business communities a legal basis for promoting bilateral commerce. He also highlighted that Kazakhstan provides easy access to Eurasian and Central Asian markets, and Pakistani ports provide the shortest route to landlocked Kazakhstan to the Arabian Sea. The President of ICCI, Ahsan Zafar Bakhtawari, proposed to arrange a dinner reception for the President of Kazakhstan while he was visiting Pakistan. As their existing bilateral commerce was fairly minimal, he pleaded with both nations to concentrate on strengthening their economic connections.

“He stated, “Both nations can collaborate in various areas, including banking and finance, engineering equipment, agriculture, energy, textiles, medicines, tourism, and construction for mutual gain. Inviting Kazakh investors to make investments in CPEC and other areas of Pakistan’s economy, he said that ICCI will assist in putting them in touch with local partners. Senior Vice President of ICCI Faad Waheed stated that Kazakhstan and Pakistan were each other’s simple access points to their respective regional markets and advocated close collaboration to fully realize this potential. The introduction of direct flights was hailed by Zafar Bakhtawari as “a historic development between Pakistan and Kazakhstan.”

In conclusion, the direct flights between Pakistan and Kazakhstan will help establish stronger business-to-business and people-to-people relations between both countries. The upcoming visit of the President of Kazakhstan to Pakistan later this year will mark a new chapter of trade and economic relations between both nations. It is expected that the signing of 20 MoUs and transit trade agreements between both countries will further enhance bilateral cooperation in multiple fields.

Pakistan and Kazakhstan to Start Direct Flights in May - Good News Pakistan
Establishing business-to-business and people-to-people relations between both countries – Photo by Adobe Stock

How this will boost business and people-to-people relations between the two countries:

The direct flights between Pakistan and Kazakhstan are expected to have a significant impact on business and people-to-people relations between the two countries. The initiative will promote more trade and economic opportunities, making it easier for Pakistani and Kazakhstani businesses to connect and collaborate. This will result in increased investment, business deals, and trade transactions between both countries. Direct flights will also provide more opportunities for Pakistani and Kazakhstani citizens to visit each other’s countries and experience each other’s culture, history, and way of life, which will help to strengthen people-to-people relations.

Strengthening bilateral cooperation:

The direct flights between Pakistan and Kazakhstan are part of a broader effort to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the two countries. During President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s upcoming visit to Pakistan, 20 MoUs will be signed, further enhancing cooperation between the two nations in multiple fields. The transit trade agreement and banking sector agreement that will be signed between the two countries will provide a legal framework for businesses to promote bilateral trade. This agreement is expected to create more business opportunities and will enhance trade and economic cooperation between both countries. Additionally, the launch of direct flights will provide easy access to Eurasian and Central Asian markets, providing more opportunities for businesses in both countries to expand their operations. Overall, the direct flights between Pakistan and Kazakhstan will help to strengthen bilateral cooperation in many different areas.

Pakistan and Kazakhstan to Start Direct Flights in May - Good News Pakistan
The Bilateral Agreement will enhance trade and economic cooperation between both countries – Photo by Adobe Stock

Easy access to Eurasian and Central Asian markets:

Kazakhstan, being a gateway to Central Asia and Eurasian markets, will provide Pakistan with easy access to these markets through the newly established direct flights. This will create new trade opportunities for Pakistani businesses and industries and help them to explore new markets. Direct flights will not only facilitate the transportation of goods but will also enable people-to-people interactions, leading to greater cultural exchange, tourism, and investment opportunities. This will provide a significant boost to Pakistan’s economy and will help to create jobs and other economic benefits for its citizens.

The shortest route to the Arabian Sea for Kazakhstan:

The establishment of direct flights between Pakistan and Kazakhstan will have several benefits for landlocked countries like Kazakhstan. As Pakistan is located at the crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East, it provides the shortest route to the Arabian Sea for landlocked countries. By connecting with Pakistan through these direct flights, Kazakhstan can expand its trade network and increase its access to global markets. This will not only provide more opportunities for business but will also make it easier for Kazakhstan to import goods and raw materials. Direct flights will be a crucial link between Kazakhstan and Pakistan, and it will strengthen the relationship between these two countries. This will further enhance business relations and cooperation between Pakistan and Kazakhstan, which is essential for the economic growth of both countries.

Pakistan and Kazakhstan to Start Direct Flights in May - Good News Pakistan
Easy access to Central Asia and Eurasian markets for Pakistan – Photo by Adobe Stock

Good News for Pakistan and its business community: 

In conclusion, the launch of direct flights between Pakistan and Kazakhstan is undoubtedly good news for Pakistan and its business community. These direct flights will provide easier access to markets in Central Asia and Eurasia, creating new business opportunities and strengthening bilateral cooperation between the two countries. The exchange of visits by delegations from both countries will also help to enhance people-to-people relations and promote cultural exchange. The initiation of direct flights will not only create job opportunities but will also help to attract foreign investment to Pakistan. The new business partnerships formed through these direct flights will help to drive the economic growth of both countries. Overall, the introduction of direct flights between Pakistan and Kazakhstan is a positive development that will have far-reaching benefits for both nations.

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Writer at Good News Pakistan | umar@goodnews.com.pk | Website | + posts

Umar is an engineer by profession and a passionate writer by passion. He has a deep interest in sharing good news related to Pakistan and has been working hard to promote the positive image of his homeland. Umar has written numerous articles on various topics related to Pakistan, such as technology, sports, culture, and economy.

By Umar Farooq

Umar is an engineer by profession and a passionate writer by passion. He has a deep interest in sharing good news related to Pakistan and has been working hard to promote the positive image of his homeland. Umar has written numerous articles on various topics related to Pakistan, such as technology, sports, culture, and economy.

3 thoughts on “Pakistan and Kazakhstan to Start Direct Flights in May”
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