• June 29, 2024 10:35

Good News Pakistan

Everything good about Pakistan

IT Exports of Pakistan surge to $1.53 Billion

IT Exports of Pakistan surge to $1.53 Billion - Good News Pakistan

IT Exports of Pakistan surge to $1.53 Billion: The Pakistani IT sector has continued to make steady progress with regard to export remittances. In the first seven months (July 2022-January 2023) of the current fiscal year, the industry earned $1.523 billion from exports.

An increase of 2.35% from the same period last year. Similarly, during the same period last year, the information and communication technology (ICT) sector’s export revenue stood at $1.488 billion. It’s a 29% year-on-year increase.

Despite persistent challenges in ease of doing business and increased business costs, IT exports have continued to grow. The government has been focused on increasing IT exports, with plans to establish an IT park that offers significant tax benefits. The IT ministry stated that the growth of IT exports was a significant achievement in light of these challenges.

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Export growth in the IT sector is essential for Pakistan’s economic development, especially given the current global economic climate. The IT industry has a unique potential to generate foreign exchange for the country. However, to achieve its full potential, Pakistan must invest in adapting new technologies and work in emerging fields to create new revenue streams.

The World Economic Forum has identified several emerging technologies that have the potential to revolutionize the global economy. For example,  Metaverse, Self-fertilizing crops, 3D-printed houses, Cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, virtual and augmented reality(IT Exports of Pakistan surge to $1.53 Billion), and the Internet of Things (IoT). Pakistan must invest in these emerging fields to stay competitive in the global market.

Investing in emerging technologies has a significant impact on the economy, business, and development of a country. For instance, these technologies can improve the efficiency of business operations, leading to increased profits and job creation. They can also drive innovation and increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Pakistan must adapt to these technologies to become an exports-based country rather than an imports-based country, as this is crucial for its survival in the global market.

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In addition to traditional job opportunities, the IT sector’s growth has also opened up new avenues for freelancing and small and medium-sized enterprise agencies. Pakistan can leverage this opportunity to create more job opportunities for its young and talented workforce.

In conclusion, the growth of IT exports in Pakistan is good news, but the country must continue to invest in emerging technologies to sustain this growth. The potential impact of these technologies on the economy, business, and development of the country is significant. Therefore, it is crucial for Pakistan to adapt to these technologies and create a thriving exports-based economy.

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Umar is an engineer by profession and a passionate writer by passion. He has a deep interest in sharing good news related to Pakistan and has been working hard to promote the positive image of his homeland. Umar has written numerous articles on various topics related to Pakistan, such as technology, sports, culture, and economy.

By Umar Farooq

Umar is an engineer by profession and a passionate writer by passion. He has a deep interest in sharing good news related to Pakistan and has been working hard to promote the positive image of his homeland. Umar has written numerous articles on various topics related to Pakistan, such as technology, sports, culture, and economy.

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