• September 29, 2024 03:48

Good News Pakistan

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Pakistan ranking in happiest country by Good News Pakistan

Pakistan ranking as happiest country has been revealed in the recent “World Happiness Report” published by US experts. The data was used from the Gallup Institute study. Pakistan has been ranked 108th out of 137 countries on the list of the world’s happiest nations. The report aims to map life evaluation by taking into account various factors like income, health, emotional support, freedom of choice, charity, and the lack of corruption. The nations were rated on a three-year average between 2020 and 2021 based on these factors.

While Pakistan’s ranking has improved marginally from last year’s position of 121 out of 146 countries. The report stated that the required data for Pakistan was not available this time, and it had to rank using older data. Pakistan is still ranked higher in happiness than India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, which are ranked 126, 112, and 118, respectively which is good news for Pakistan and its people.

The report revealed that Finland retained its top position for the sixth consecutive year, and Afghanistan remained in last place for the third year in a row. The report is an essential tool for policymakers, economists, and academics to understand the well-being and happiness of citizens and design policies accordingly. Pakistan can use this report to analyze its shortcomings and work towards creating a happier and healthier society. See below the graphical representation of the global happiness index 2023.

Pakistan ranking as happiest country - Good News Pakistan
Global Happiness Index 2023 – Visualization by Visual Capitalist

What is the ranking of Pakistan in the World Happiness Index 2023?

Pakistan ranks 108th out of 137 countries in the world. With a 4.6 score out of 10. It’s good news for Pakistan and its people. Here we would like to share the Legatum Prosperity Index report, where Pakistan takes the 138th position in the list of prosperous countries. We are hoping that Pakistan will improve its ranking in the coming years in almost every global ranking system. 

Pakistan has improved its ranking in the “World Happiness Report” despite the unavailability of the required data. The country has been ranked 108th out of 137 countries, an improvement from last year’s position of 121 out of 146 countries. Pakistan’s improvement in the ranking can be attributed to its relatively good performance in various factors such as social support, freedom of choice, and charitable giving. However, the lack of data availability has raised concerns about the accuracy of the ranking, and it is crucial to address this issue in future reports.

Pakistan ranking as happiest country - Good News Pakistan
Pakistan ranking as happiest country 108/137- Good News Pakistan

What Factors Contributed to Pakistan’s Ranking in the World Happiness Report?

Pakistan’s ranking in the “World Happiness Report” is based on various factors that contribute to overall life satisfaction. These factors include income, health, social support, freedom of choice, charitable giving, and the lack of corruption. Pakistan’s relatively good performance in social support and charitable giving can be attributed to the country’s strong social and cultural values. However, the country’s performance in other areas such as income and corruption remains a challenge. Addressing these issues can help improve the overall happiness and well-being of the citizens of Pakistan. The report emphasizes the need for policymakers to focus on improving the quality of life for all citizens by implementing policies that address these issues.

What is the number 1 happiest country in 2023?

Finland ranks number 1 on the list of happiest countries. With a 7.8 score out of 10. Finland has this ranking for the seventh consecutive year in the “World Happiness Report.” The country is known for its high standard of living, quality education, and excellent healthcare facilities. Additionally, Finland is also considered one of the least corrupt countries globally, which plays a significant role in its ranking. The report shows that Finland has managed to maintain its top position despite the COVID-19 pandemic’s economic and social disruptions.

What is the 137th the least happy country in 2023?

Afghanistan ranks number 137 on the list of happiest countries. With a 1.8 score out of 10. Afghanistan has this ranking for the fourth year in a row. The country has been facing political turmoil and violence for decades, which has severely impacted its social and economic conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic has also exacerbated the already challenging situation, with the country reporting a significant increase in poverty rates and a decline in health services. The report emphasizes the need for immediate attention and assistance to address the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.

What are the top 10 happiest countries in the world in 2023?

Here is the list of the top 10 happiest countries in the world in 2023.

Ranking CountryScore out of 10
10New Zealand7.1

What factors are included in measuring World Happiness Report 2023?

The factors that are considered for this are:

  1. GDP per capita
  2. Social Support
  3. Healthy Life Expectancy
  4. Freedom to make Life Choices
  5. Generosity
  6. Perception of Corruption

Now we will explain each of the above one by one in layman’s terms so everyone can understand these.

GDP Per Capita: 

GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product, which is the total value of goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a given period. GDP per capita is the GDP divided by the total population of the country, giving an average amount of economic output per person. It is a measure of a country’s economic well-being and standard of living. Higher GDP per capita means that the country’s citizens have more access to goods and services, higher income levels, and more significant economic opportunities.

Pakistan ranking in happiest country by GDP per capita
Pakistan ranking in happiest country by GDP per capita – Photo by Adobe Stock

Social Support: 

Social support is the availability of family, friends, and other networks to provide emotional and practical help when needed. It is an essential factor in people’s happiness and well-being because it helps individuals feel connected and supported. Social support can take various forms, including emotional support, advice, and practical help, such as financial assistance, and can be provided by family, friends, or community organizations.

Pakistan ranking in happiest country by Social Support
Pakistan ranking in happiest country by Social Support – Photo by Adobe Stock

Healthy Life Expectancy: 

The number of years a person may anticipate living in excellent health is known as healthy life expectancy. It takes into account both the length of life and the quality of life, as people can live longer but may not necessarily have good health. Healthy life expectancy is an important measure of a country’s health and well-being, as it indicates the quality of healthcare, nutrition, and lifestyle factors such as exercise and diet.

Pakistan ranking in happiest country by Healthy Life Expectancy
Pakistan ranking in happiest country by Healthy Life Expectancy – Photo by Adobe Stock

Freedom to make Life Choices: 

Freedom to make life choices refers to the extent to which people can make their own choices in life without external constraints or limitations. It includes the ability to choose one’s occupation, religion, and lifestyle, among other things. Freedom to make life choices is an essential aspect of happiness and well-being as it allows individuals to pursue their goals, ambitions, and interests without restriction.

Pakistan ranking in happiest country by Freedom
Pakistan ranking in happiest country by Freedom – Photo by Adobe Stock


Generosity refers to the willingness to give or share resources, such as money, time, or other assets, with others. It is an important factor in the happiness and well-being of individuals and communities, as it promotes cooperation, empathy, and social cohesion. Generosity can take many forms, including charitable giving, volunteering, and acts of kindness.

Pakistan ranking in happiest country by Generosity
Pakistan ranking in happiest country by Generosity – Photo by Adobe Stock

Perception of Corruption: 

Perception of corruption refers to the extent to which people perceive that corruption exists in their country’s government and public institutions. Corruption can take many forms, including bribery, nepotism, and embezzlement of public funds, and can have a significant impact on a country’s economic and social well-being. Perception of corruption can influence people’s trust in their government and public institutions, which can affect their happiness and well-being.

Pakistan ranking in happiest country by Perception of Corruption
Pakistan Ranking in happiest country by Perception of Corruption – Photo by Adobe Stock

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  1. World Happiness Report 2023
  2. World Happiness Report 2022
Writer at Good News Pakistan | umar@goodnews.com.pk | Website | + posts

Umar is an engineer by profession and a passionate writer by passion. He has a deep interest in sharing good news related to Pakistan and has been working hard to promote the positive image of his homeland. Umar has written numerous articles on various topics related to Pakistan, such as technology, sports, culture, and economy.

By Umar Farooq

Umar is an engineer by profession and a passionate writer by passion. He has a deep interest in sharing good news related to Pakistan and has been working hard to promote the positive image of his homeland. Umar has written numerous articles on various topics related to Pakistan, such as technology, sports, culture, and economy.

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