• June 29, 2024 10:44

Good News Pakistan

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First Pakistani female Lawyer to chair APAC board of Gail

First Pakistani female Lawyer to chair APAC board of Gail - Good News Pakistan

A Pakistani female Lawyer, Dr. Ammara Farooq Malik, has created history by becoming the first Pakistani to get the chance to chair the Asia Pacific board of the Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers (GAIL).

GAIL is a society of legal leaders who are doing the Law practice to have a positive influence on people and the planet and to accelerate the just transition(Pakistani female lawyer). 

The Gail community has regional boards in North America, The United Kingdom, Europe, South America, and Asia Pacific. She has made Pakistan proud by becoming the only representative from Pakistan.


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Dr. Ammara Malik, who is the founding lead attorney of AFMalik Law, a Pakistani law firm, has been operating in impact entrepreneurship growth for more than 20 years. She has been a social enterprise and an impact lawyer too since 2018, making her the first impact lawyer in Pakistan. AFMalik Law is the first female-led Law firm in Pakistan to become global. She pointed out that AFMalik Law has already initiated training programs for young lawyers to instruct them on the concept of Impact Law and its importance in the development of Pakistan.

Dr. Ammara’s current election as the chair of the Asia Pacific board of GAIL for the term March 2023-2024 is a notable achievement. She is the only Pakistani on the regional board, which comprises members from Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, China, and Hong Kong.

The attorney hopes to use her tenure to expand awareness about GAIL’s global job and impact law. She also aims to create regional linkages of lawyers in the Asia Pacific and get more opportunities for alliances between impact entrepreneurs and investors in the region.

Credits: The featured image is taken from gailnet.org website.

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Khushboo Zubair
Writer at Good News Pakistan | Website

This is Khushboo, A passionate writer who loves to create engaging and compelling content. I'm constantly seeking new ways to use my writing to make a difference.As a writer, I have always been drawn to the power of the written word.

By Khushboo Zubair

This is Khushboo, A passionate writer who loves to create engaging and compelling content. I'm constantly seeking new ways to use my writing to make a difference.As a writer, I have always been drawn to the power of the written word.

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