• June 29, 2024 10:15

Good News Pakistan

Everything good about Pakistan

Record-breaking Month for Tourism in KPK with Over 890,000 Visitors!

KPK Tourism - Good News Pakistan

Tourism in KPK: The tourism industry is a vital component of any country’s economy. For Pakistan, the tourism industry has the potential to generate significant revenue, create jobs, and contribute to the overall economic growth of the country.

According to data released by the province tourism administration on Friday, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), a popular tourist destination, attracts up to 890,777 people from both domestic and foreign countries in a single month.

According to the study, 890,722 domestic tourists and more than 55 foreign visitors traveled to the Kaghan and Naran valleys, Chitral Lower and Chitral Upper, Galiyat, Malam Jabba, and Dir Upper.

Galiyat came in second with 233,666 domestic visitors and four foreign visitors, followed by Malam Jabba with 552,785 domestic and 17 foreign visitors.

Kaghan and Naran valleys had 79,548 domestic visitors, Chitral Lower saw 23,711 domestic visitors and 24, and Dir Upper saw 1,012 domestic visitors and three foreign visitors.

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It stated that in addition to facilities like lodging, the KPK Tourism Department offered online information, booking, reservations, and guidance services to travelers.

The promotion of Pakistan’s culture and customs can also be aided by tourism, which gives both residents and tourists a chance to experience local life. This can boost the nation’s reputation internationally and serve as a source of national pride. Also, tourism will aid in the development of infrastructure, facilitating transit within the nation and enhancing the accessibility of its attractions for tourists.

What does the tourism industry mean to a country?

Tourism not only provides direct employment opportunities for locals in the hospitality and service sectors but also creates a ripple effect on other industries such as transportation, food and beverage, and retail. Additionally, tourism can help promote cultural exchange, strengthen diplomatic ties, and enhance the country’s image and reputation on the global stage.

KPK Tourism - Good News Pakistan
Tourism in KPK, Pakistan – Photo from Adobe Stock

Also, tourism has the potential to attract international investment, produce jobs, and support regional companies. The tourism sector can contribute significantly to economic growth in underdeveloped nations, paving the way for a more prosperous future. Moreover, tourism provides a significant cultural function in many nations by allowing citizens and guests to interact with the local way of life.

Moreover, the tourism industry can also stimulate investment in infrastructure, such as hotels, airports, and roads, leading to long-term economic benefits for the country. Therefore, the development of tourism infrastructure and promotion of Pakistan’s rich cultural and natural heritage can potentially contribute significantly to the country’s economic development and growth.

Credits: Featured image is taken from Tourism Corporation Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Flicker account.

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Umar is an engineer by profession and a passionate writer by passion. He has a deep interest in sharing good news related to Pakistan and has been working hard to promote the positive image of his homeland. Umar has written numerous articles on various topics related to Pakistan, such as technology, sports, culture, and economy.

By Umar Farooq

Umar is an engineer by profession and a passionate writer by passion. He has a deep interest in sharing good news related to Pakistan and has been working hard to promote the positive image of his homeland. Umar has written numerous articles on various topics related to Pakistan, such as technology, sports, culture, and economy.

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