• September 29, 2024 03:50

Good News Pakistan

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Uzbekistan and Pakistan Sign $1 Billion Trade Agreement

Pakistan and Uzbekistan have signed a $1 billion agreement that aims to boost bilateral trade, according to a statement from Pakistan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs. The agreement was signed during the 8th meeting of the Pakistan-Uzbekistan Inter-governmental Commission on Trade-Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation (IGC) in Tashkent on February 24(Uzbekistan and Pakistan Sign $1 Billion Agreement). The agreement aims to encourage the exchange of goods and services in different sectors and streamline trade processes between the two countries.

During the meeting, both countries also discussed cooperation in various fields. Including trade and investment, banking, industries, energy, textile and agriculture, transportation, and communication. Ishaq Dar, the finance minister of Pakistan, applauded Uzbekistan’s growing interest in fostering the partnership and the advancements made in the fields of commerce and transportation. He also invited Uzbekistan to explore opportunities in Pakistan in the fields of automobiles, information technology, and natural minerals.

The signing of the trade agreement with Uzbekistan is significant for Pakistan. Which is facing a challenging balance of payment crisis, with foreign reserves plummeting to a level that could only cover three weeks of imports. The investment prospects from this deal could prove crucial for Pakistan. The country needs external financing to keep its economy afloat, and the IMF loan revival would help unlock inflows from friendly countries and multilateral lenders.

R E A D     M O R E

IT Exports of Pakistan surge to $1.53 Billion

Trade agreements between different countries are crucial, especially for developing countries like Pakistan. They provide access to new markets, attract foreign investment, and increase export opportunities. Such agreements have a significant impact on a country’s economy, business, and development. Trade agreements have the potential to create jobs and stimulate economic growth, leading to an increase in income and higher living standards for citizens.

For Muslim brother countries like Qatar, UAE, KSA, and Uzbekistan, trade agreements can be particularly important. These countries share common cultural, religious, and linguistic ties, and their economies are often complementary. By forming trade partnerships, these countries can leverage their strengths and reduce their weaknesses, leading to greater prosperity for all(Uzbekistan and Pakistan Sign $1 Billion Agreement).

In conclusion, the $1 billion trade agreement between Pakistan and Uzbekistan is good news for Pakistan. It has the potential to increase bilateral trade and investment, create jobs, and stimulate economic growth. It is also a step towards making Pakistan an export-based country and a friendly destination for foreign investments. Such agreements have a significant impact on a country’s economy, and Pakistan should continue to seek out trade partnerships with friendly countries.

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Writer at Good News Pakistan | umar@goodnews.com.pk | Website | + posts

Umar is an engineer by profession and a passionate writer by passion. He has a deep interest in sharing good news related to Pakistan and has been working hard to promote the positive image of his homeland. Umar has written numerous articles on various topics related to Pakistan, such as technology, sports, culture, and economy.

By Umar Farooq

Umar is an engineer by profession and a passionate writer by passion. He has a deep interest in sharing good news related to Pakistan and has been working hard to promote the positive image of his homeland. Umar has written numerous articles on various topics related to Pakistan, such as technology, sports, culture, and economy.

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